Industry Trained PGD Apprenticeship

Enrolments are now open for EarnLearn’s new Industry Trained Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying Apprenticeship programmes.

The Industry Trained Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying Apprenticeship programmes offer flexible, industry-focused training for Plumbing, Gasfitting and/or Drainlaying (PGD) apprentices.

The new suite of Level 4 programmes contain options for workplace and block course training, along with assessment options, and combine hands-on practical experience with supporting online learning.

There are six training programmes to choose from, with an optional ‘On-site wastewater treatment systems’ strand available for drainlaying programmes. 

The programmes include New Zealand Certificates in:

Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying (60 months)
(63 months with optional strand)

Plumbing and Drainlaying (42 months)
(48 months with optional strand)

Plumbing and Gasfitting (48 months)

Plumbing (36 months)

Gasfitting (36 months)

Drainlaying (24 months)
(27 months with optional strand)

Note: These are approximate training duration times and may vary based on individual progress in meeting specific programme requirements.

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EarnLearn Account Managers work closely with employers and apprentices to choose the best programme option.

Flexible training options

Employers and apprentices can now choose to complete certain modules in the workplace or at a block course. The options are dependent on whether a company is able to provide training in the specific areas in order for an apprentice to successfully meet the programme requirements.

There are also mandatory modules that must be completed in the workplace. 

An EarnLearn Account Manager will help select the appropriate delivery model during the enrolment process.

Each programme starts with mandatory health and safety courses and an induction block course at the chosen regional training campus.

Workplace assessment - a new way of assessing

Modules completed in the workplace will be assessed by either an external EarnLearn Assessor or an in-house Workplace Assessor.

EarnLearn have registered assessors that are available to undertake marking of workplace assessments. In addition to this, an employer can now nominate or hire an employee to be an in-house Workplace Assessor who is responsible for marking the apprentice’s practical and theory assessments throughout their apprenticeship. The assessor must be registered with EarnLearn but is employed by the workplace.

To be eligible to undertake workplace training and assessment instead of attending a block course, a company must be able to expose apprentices to the topics and tasks specified in each module, in order to complete their training assessments. If an employer is unable to provide the training and/or practical experience within their workplace, these assessments can take place at a block course.

Rebates may apply where a module is completed in the workplace. See Fees and Rebates section.

Workplace trained and assessed

This is where all of the training and assessment takes place in the workplace, and modules are assessed by an in-house Workplace Assessor. 

This option does not exclude the apprentice from selecting and attending a block course, depending on the company’s scope of work.

Workplace trained and EarnLearn assessed

This is where all of the training occurs on-the-job in the workplace, and an external EarnLearn Assessor does the assessment.

Combination: workplace and block course

This is where a combination of workplace and block course delivery options are used, depending on the type of training an employer can provide in the workplace. 

Becoming a Workplace Assessor

To register as a Workplace Assessor, you must complete the 4098 assessor training course and hold a current Plumbing, Gasfitting, Drainlaying Board certifying licence for the qualification/s you are assessing against.

Find out more about workplace assessment or how to become a Workplace Assessor here:

Workplaces are still required to have a registered verifier. This can be the same person as the assessor. Find out more:

Workplace Verifiers

Fees and rebates

Depending on the programme selected, training fees will be between $52-$54.20 incl GST per week. This is paid directly to EarnLearn by the apprentice or employer, and is based on all training and assessments being completed through block courses.

Where training and/or assessments are completed in the workplace (not in a block course), the following rebates* will be provided:

  • $805 incl GST per block course where an apprentice completes an entire learning and assessment module in the workplace.
  • In addition, a further $34.50 incl GST per unit standard that is assessed by an in-house Workplace Assessor.

Rebates will be paid to the person or company paying the apprentice training fees.

*The refund will only be for complete modules and will be calculated quarterly. Rebates will be processed upon confirmation of all fees being up to date.

Fees Free for apprentices
New apprentices starting an apprenticeship in 2025 may be eligible for ‘Fees Free’ which is a government fund that covers training fees for the final two years’ of work-based training up to the value of $12,000. Apprentices receive the Fees Free entitlement after they have completed their full qualification and once they have applied to Inland Revenue (IRD). Payments will paid directly to an apprentice even if the fees have been paid by the employer or someone else. You can find out more on the Fees Free website.

Apprenticeship Boost for employers
Employers may be eligible to receive financial support through the Apprenticeship Boost scheme. Find out more about the scheme and eligibility criteria on the Work and Income website.

Frequently asked questions

Why another change/update to PGD qualifications and training programmes?

EarnLearn’s new Industry Trained Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying Apprenticeship programmes align with new PGD qualifications developed by Waihanga Ara Rau (Workforce Development Council).

The goal of the new EarnLearn apprenticeship training programmes is to make sure New Zealand’s PGD workforce is able to grow to meet demand while being equipped with the skills and knowledge that are relevant to today’s industry and recognised through national qualifications.

EarnLearn’s six new PGD programmes, plus additional ‘on-site wastewater treatment systems’ optional strand for drainlaying programmes, offer more direction around which programme an apprentice can complete, and greater flexibility around workplace training assessment and block courses.

The changes are designed to support apprentices in gaining the right skills and knowledge while being able to complete their training in a timely manner and with the full support of the employer.

What is different about the new PGD training programmes?

  • More workplace training and assessment options means less time away on block courses for apprentices and more time spent in the workplace.
  • Improved consistency in block course training through the creation of unified teaching plans.
  • More online support sessions including exam preparation sessions.
  • All practical evidence is loaded directly to the EarnLearn My eLearning platform by the apprentice.
  • EarnLearn reports all credits apart from safety courses.
  • Most block course modules are optional and can instead be trained in the workplace by an employer and assessed in the workplace by an EarnLearn workplace assessor.
  • The workplace assessor could be an internal assessor. This is where an employer can now nominate or hire one of their industry qualified employees to be a workplace assessor who is responsible for marking the apprentice’s practical and theory assessments throughout their apprenticeship. The assessor must be registered with EarnLearn but is employed by the workplace.


If I have feedback about the new PGD programmes as they are put in place, who should I provide my feedback to?

If you have an EarnLearn Account Manager, please contact them in the first instance. Otherwise, you can contact EarnLearn at

Do I have to have a workplace assessor in my business to complete mandatory workplace modules?

No. If you have no internal workplace assessor or your current assessor leaves, an external assessor can be appointed. If your assessor situation changes throughout your apprentice’s apprenticeship, please contact your EarnLearn Account Manager.

As an employer, what options are available to me for Workplace Assessment?

You may have the option to train and assess your apprentice at your own workplace, avoiding the need to attend block courses at an external training campus where they are not mandatory.

  • To make this work effectively you will need to agree what modules you can cover in the workplace.
  • If you don’t cover all types and are unable to provide the exposure to all your apprentice needs, your apprentice can choose to attend a block course for some modules and do others on-the-job. If you do not have the capacity to teach your apprentice the required skills within a module, you can also choose to send your apprentice to a block course.
  • Your EarnLearn Account Manager can work with you to find the best training pathway to suit you and your apprentice.
  • An employer can choose to have an in-house Workplace assessors through nominating or hiring an industry qualified employee to be a workplace assessor. The nominated employee will be responsible for marking the apprentice’s practical and theory assessments throughout their apprenticeship. The assessor must be registered with EarnLearn, employed by the workplace, and have time available on a weekly basis to undertake the marking in a timely manner.
  • All the practical assessments can be completed in the workplace through the support of your employer providing training to you.
    • The assessments can be marked through an in-house workplace assessor, or by an external EarnLearn assessor.
    • If your employer is unable to provide the training and/or practical experience within your workplace, these assessments can take place at a block course.

Note: The in-house Workplace Assessor option does not exclude the apprentice from selecting and attending a block course. This is due to the company scope of work, which will vary across the industry. The modules they choose to do at block course would not be eligible for a fee rebate.

If I wish to have an in-house Workplace Assessor, what weekly time commitment would this need?

Approximately four hours per apprentice per week. This would cover all teaching, assessment, marking and reporting.

Do I need to have a workplace verifier?

Yes. You must have someone onsite who can validate apprentice workplace evidence needed for their training programme. A verifier does not need to have completed any unit standards to be a verifier.

How do I make sure I can deliver the workplace modules for my apprentice(s)?

Your Account Manager will work through this with you. EarnLearn will also provide an Employer Handbook to help you understand your obligations for mandatory workplace modules. The reference tables in the Employer Handbook will tell you what work is needed to complete the practical modules.

Make sure you talk to your EarnLearn Account Manager when your apprentice is enrolling to ensure you are clear about your workplace module obligations.

How do I train my staff to become workplace assessors?

EarnLearn offers unit standard 4098 training for employers who wish to train staff to become workplace assessors. Talk to your EarnLearn Account Manager or download the 4098 Application Form from our website here.

Can I assess my own apprentice if they are enrolled in PGD V2 or V3 programmes?

No. the workplace assessment option only applies to the new ITPGDA programmes.  Trainees enrolled in older programmes will continue to be assessed by an EarnLearn assessor or at block course. 

I am already training in an EarnLearn PGD apprenticeship. Can I change to the new training programmes? Or is it compulsory to change to the new training programmes?

The new apprenticeship training programmes are for new apprentices starting in February 2025.

As the new apprenticeship programmes are rolled out, there may become the opportunity for current apprentices to transfer to these new training programmes. Should this occur, your EarnLearn Account Manager will contact you to discuss transitioning to the new programme.

This will be dependent on each individual apprentice and where they are within their training programme to ensure no apprentice would be disadvantaged in
transitioning across to the new programme.

You can contact your Account Manager to find out more.

If I’m re-enrolling and have existing credits, can I be enrolled into the new PGD programmes?

Please contact us or your local Account Manager.

Will EarnLearn continue to support me as an apprentice in the existing PGD programme?

Yes. All apprentices will receive the same level of support regardless of the programme they are enrolled in.

Will I miss out on learning important job skills by being on the existing PGD programme?

No, the plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying qualifications were reviewed and changed by a group of industry experts. The changes simply removed
duplication in the unit standard assessments, ensuring that the skills taught and assessed are aligned with current industry practices.

As a new apprentice in 2025, can I choose to enrol in the existing PGD programme for my first year?

No. Apprentices starting from February 2025 will automatically be enrolled in the new PGD Apprenticeship programmes for Year 1 onward.

Will I learn the same skills as the previous programmes?

Yes. Changes were made to remove duplication in the unit standard assessments, ensuring that the skills taught and assessed are aligned with current industry practices.

What will happen if my Workplace Assessor is no longer available? Can I go on block courses to complete my remaining units?

If your company workplace assessor can no longer assess you, you will need to advise us so you can be switched to an external EarnLearn Assessor who will continue your assessments.

If you have chosen workplace modules over block courses and would now prefer to do the block course option, you can talk to your Account Manager about switching to a block course.

Will there be any funding assistance from EarnLearn for buying devices, such as a laptop to support e-learning?

No. Devices are the responsibility of the apprentice.

What financial support can I get to help
New apprentices starting an apprenticeship in 2025 may be eligible for ‘Fees Free’ which is a government fund that covers training fees for the final two years’ of work-based training up to the value of $12,000. Apprentices receive the Fees Free entitlement after they have completed their full qualification and once they have applied to Inland Revenue (IRD). Payments will paid direct to an apprentice even if the fees have been paid by the employer or someone else. You can find out more on the Fees Free website.

Will my duration be less through the new programme and how does that work?

More workplace assessment can help you gain more on-the-job experience where you are able to ‘learn by doing’. The pace at which you progress through your training will be up to you and the work exposure and training your employer provides.

What if I feel as though my employer is focusing my workplace training on what the business needs, rather than my programme requirements?

If you have concerns that your workplace training is not meeting the programme requirements, talk to your EarnLearn Account Manager. You can transition back into the block course training and assessment model.

I am struggling to keep up with my training. What can I do?

Talk to your EarnLearn Account Manager who can help provide the learning support you require. As an example this could be understanding assessments or technical training advice. If you need personal support, you can access Vitae, a free confidential 24/7 counselling service at This is available to all apprentices.

Will I have the opportunity to connect with other PGD apprentices?

Yes. Even if you are attending fewer block courses, you will meet other apprentices at your first block course that is compulsory, and your EarnLearn Account Manager will know other apprentices in your area at the same or similar stage of training as you and can connect you, just ask.

What device and IT knowledge would I require to become an assessor?

All evidence will be assessed online through the Learning Management System (LMS) called My eLearning, and all results will be reported in the LMS. You will need to have a digital device and sufficient skills to download and upload material so that you are able to mark it and provide feedback to your apprentice, (i.e.. not a cell phone). A laptop is preferable.

Do I have to undertake any new training to be an assessor for the new programme?

If you are an existing assessor, you shouldn’t need additional training. All new and existing assessors need to meet the following criteria:

  • Be registered with EarnLearn.
  • Complete an application form.
  • Undergo a short induction on assessing the PGD programmes.
  • Hold unit standard 4098 Use standards to assess candidate performance.
  • Hold a current PGD Board certifying licence for the qualification/s they are assessing.
  • A high level of digital literacy and the ability to navigate and complete marking online.
  • Participate in an assessor event, forum or workshop annually, as requested by EarnLearn.

How do I apply to become a registered EarnLearn assessor?

You need to hold unit standard 4098, if you don’t have this, please refer to our website for training options. If you have unit standard 4098, you can
download and complete this assessor application form and send it for review to

I am a workplace assessor, but I am concerned my employer is unable to meet the mandatory criteria for workplace modules. What do I do?

Talk to an EarnLearn Account Manager.

What are the different assessor and assessment options?

  • An employer can now nominate or hire an industry qualified employee to be an in-house Workplace Assessor who is responsible for marking the apprentice’s practical and theory assessments throughout their apprenticeship. The assessor must be registered with EarnLearn but is employed by the workplace.
  • All the practical assessments can be completed in the workplace through the support of your employer providing training to you.
    • The assessments can be marked through an in-house workplace assessor, or by an external EarnLearn assessor.
    • If employers are unable to provide the training and/or practical experience within their workplace, these assessments should take place at a block course.

Note: The in-house workplace assessor option does not exclude the apprentice from selecting and attending a block course. This is due to the company scope of work, which will vary across the industry. The modules they choose to do at block course would not be eligible for a fee rebate.

Can I assess my own apprentice if they are enrolled in PGD V2 or V3 programmes?

No. the workplace assessment option only applies to the new ITPGDA programmes.  Trainees enrolled in older programmes will continue to be assessed by an EarnLearn assessor or at block course.