Government announces future of industry training

On 20 December 2024, the Government announced its plan for a redesigned Vocational Education and Training (VET) system in New Zealand, as it proceeds with the disestablishment of Te Pūkenga.

Following industry feedback in August on proposals for work-based learning, the government has developed a third option and will hold targeted consultation in January 2025, with those industry organisations that have provided feedback prior, on this new Option C, as well as Option B from the previous proposals.

Option B: The option provided in the August consultation establishing Industry Skills Boards (ISBs) with the added function of providing industry advice, with Work-Based Learning divisions transitioned into some sort of provider like a Private Training Establishment (PTE).

Option C (new): Industry Skills Boards (ISBs) would be set up, undertaking the functions of WDCs including standard setting, investment advice, qualification development. They will also undertake Work-Based Learning functions of national coordination for specific industries and pastoral care. The other functions of enrolments and educational components, such as assessments would be through Institute of Technology and Polytechnics, Private Training Establishments and Wānanga.

To read more about the changes go to our VET Review page here.

EarnLearn enrolments and services will continue as normal in 2025 and we will work to minimise disruption to any training or apprenticeship programmes or the learning support we provide through our Account Managers.

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